Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Testing the New Blog

Anybody out there?


  1. The new website is great! I really like the "recipes" section. One of my favorites is Founders Pride poured over Blue Bell's Homemade Vanilla. Chill and drink. Yummy!

  2. Best coffee in TX. I drink jet fuel every morning. I am 66 and retired so i get to take the time to savor it. (No rush to go anywhere.) Drove trucks for almost 40 yrs no more rush rush. We live on SS and it is hard to make ends meet but i still like your coffee and it is worth the money. Keep up the good work and thank you and HEB where i get it.

  3. I am from MN and found your coffee at the Brenham H-E-B last spring when we visited family there. We loved it and took several bags home with us. When my husband's brother and wife came to MN in August to visit us, they brought several pounds of the New Orleans Crème Brulee' for us. We ground the last of that coffee this morning. I think I am going to have to send in an order for more. It is delicious!
